On behalf of the Staff and Parishioners of St. Mary Parish, we extend our prayerful support for both of you as you begin your life together! Marriage is one of the seven Sacraments of the Church and is a special encounter between Christ and the bride and groom. The covenant between the bride and groom mirrors the sacred covenant between God and us. Therefore, a couple deserves thorough preparation before entering into this holy union that is both Sacramental and a lifelong commitment to one another. The staff of St. Mary Parish commits itself to quality marriage preparation for each and every couple that approaches the Church to receive the sacrament of marriage.
Please contact our parish office at least six months in advance. You may complete the Marriage Inquiry Form below or call the parish office (330-653-8118). You will be connected with a preparing minister (priest/deacon) who will discuss the details of preparation with you. Engaged couples are expected to be registered at a parish and attending Sunday Mass regularly. Pre-Marital preparation is required and done with the parish priest, in conjunction with programs such as Pre-Cana, Cana II, Engaged Encounter, etc. Wedding dates will only be added to the parish calendar by a priest after a canonical assessment is completed to confirm that you are free to marry in the Catholic Church.
Each Catholic party (bride and/or groom) should obtain a Baptismal Certificate with Notifications (from the Church of your Baptism) dated no earlier than 6 months prior to their wedding.