St. Mary Parish has been blessed with many vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated religious life. Continue to pray that more young men and women will spend time in prayer and discernment in order to respond to God’s call to serve the Church!
If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about the priesthood, diaconate or consecrated religious life, please contact one of our parish priests.
The St. Mary Parish Vocation Committee was founded in 2004 through a collaborative effort of our parishioners, parish staff and priests to promote a culture of vocations at St. Mary Parish. A culture of vocations seeks to make the call to priesthood and religious life more visible to the whole parish, and to strengthen networks of support to our men and women open to the call to discern these vocations.
The work of the Vocation Committee includes promoting awareness of religious and priestly vocations at our parish, and fundraising to financially support those in discernment. The committee hosts an annual fundraiser to raise monies to distribute:
We have been blessed with a number of discerners to priesthood and religious life throughout the past few decades. We encourage you to become a part of the mission to support our discerners at St. Mary's along their discernment journey.